Anxiety caused by the environment is something that can affect all living things. Apart from humans, it seems that more than 72{0631039ca539884bfcb37ba7a8dbd0e51cecefaf9f57844dc648b942b0e98a0f} of dogs also suffer from anxiety and fear.
In a study conducted in Finland, 13,700 dogs were involved. Dog owners were asked to fill out a questionnaire containing questions about the most common canine anxiety symptoms.
Causes of Dog Anxiety
The following are the results of research findings of the causes of dog anxiety obtained from the research:
Unsafe Space For Dogs
Creating a Safe Space For Dogs Is Very Important. Especially when the new dog you bought or adopted, of course, needs adaptation.
According to research, Spaces that are shaped like tents make them feel safe and avoid anxiety because the space is quite closed. Therefore, the Dog Teepee is Highly Recommended as it is a great item to have for a dog with anxiety as it provides a safe space. Dog teepee Australia has various types that you can choose from.
Change of Owner or Family
Abandoned, handed over to a shelter, or given to a new guardian or family can trigger the development of separation anxiety.
Schedule Changes
Sudden schedule changes in when or how long the dog is left alone can trigger the development of separation anxiety. For example, if the dog’s guardian works from home and spends all day with his dog but then gets a new job that requires him to leave the dog alone for six hours or more at a time, the dog may experience separation anxiety because of this change.
Change of Residence
Moving to a new place of residence can trigger separation anxiety in dogs.
Household Membership Change
The sudden absence of a family member at home, whether due to death or moving, can trigger separation anxiety
Handling Anxiety Dogs
Generally, dogs experience anxiety due to a lack of care before problems arise. It is possible that the owner of the pet dog is not aware of the problem the dog has or is allowing the dog to cause serious problems in the home.
Prevention and early detection are the best ways to avoid anxiety in dogs. We can suspect a dog is experiencing anxiety or fear when he shows one or more signs, including restlessness, and shaking. There may also be muscle tension, palpitations or a rapid heartbeat, and motor tension.
If your pet dog shows any of the signs above, we must look for the main cause that made him experience this. So that dogs do not experience behavioral disorders and anxiety, we can take preventive steps.
Practice Discipline and Compliance
The first step to overcome separation anxiety in dogs can be done by practicing discipline and animal obedience. Train pets in dos and don’ts. If done regularly, the good things that have been instilled will become a habit. If violated, the pet will usually feel guilty. To practice it, you can set aside free time once a week. Do it consistently.
Training To Feel At Home In The Cage
The next step to overcome separation anxiety in dogs is to train them to feel at home in the cage. A sense of comfort in the cage can be created if the cage is large so that the dog can move freely in it. Don’t forget to put toys and bedding in the cage. If you are not used to living in it, don’t put water and food, because there is a risk of falling apart and making the cage dirty.
If your dog is uncomfortable and barks all the time, teach your dog to be quiet by interrupting the barking. If it is done consistently and continuously, the dog will realize that what he is doing is wrong. If you decide to leave them in the cage, walk away discreetly, avoiding eye contact between owner and pet. Going indifferent just like that will make the dog not feel left out.
Change Owner Habits
Living with the dog will make him aware of the owner’s habits. The next step to overcome separation anxiety in dogs can be done by using another door to leave and putting things that are usually used to travel elsewhere. In essence, you are advised to make distinctions in such a way that the dog does not feel left out when you are out and about.
Dogs don’t have to follow their owners everywhere. Pets may pay attention, but should only follow when the owner requires their presence. In some dogs, training some of the things mentioned above is not difficult. But in some spoiled dogs, it takes more time, patience, and consistency.